916-722-7788  Main Line & Absence Reporting

Volunteer Opportunities

"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something" - Author Unknown

The Holy Family Catholic School community is powered by energetic volunteers that are essential in making our school events a success. Parents, families and friends are encouraged to join this vibrant community. When you choose to volunteer and get involved, you’re not only helping Holy Family Catholic School but you’re also enriching your child’s educational experience.

Volunteer opportunities, may be communicated via the weekly email, requested by individual teachers or requested from the Parent Club. If you’re not currently receiving the email updates or any email correspondence from Holy Family Catholic School please contact the school office at 916-722-7788.

For more information on volunteering, please contact Parent Club (parentclub@holyfamilyca.org) for a detailed list.


Volunteer Points

Every family at Holy Family Catholic School is required to complete 40 volunteer points during the school year. Thirty points must be completed in a fundraising capacity and ten points from classroom and/or school service opportunities. However, all forty points can be completed through fundraising if desired. A minimum for five fundraising points must be earned from either the Crab Feed or the Auction events for each family. More details concerning points can be found in the Parent Club Agreement.

Each family is responsible for reporting their own points within 30 days of completion. Points can be submitted by emailing parentclub@holyfamilyca.org


Volunteer Guidelines

  • Always sign in at the school office and pick up a Volunteer ID badge.
  • State law requires that anyone working with children provide proof of fingerprint clearance.
  • Code of Ethics-Student Privacy
    • State law insures that a student’s right to privacy be respected at all times.
    • Any personal information about a student is not to be revealed.
    • Gossip can be detrimental-give each student the benefit of being referred to ONLY in positive terms. (Think about how your child would feel).
  • In the event of an injury:
    • Minor injuries-send student accompanied by another student to office IF NEEDED.
    • Serious injury-DO NOT MOVE STUDENT, use intercom or send a runner to the office for assistance.
  • It is the responsibility of the volunteers to notify the person they report to when they are unable to work.


Any authority given to a volunteer is at the discretion of the teacher who is directly responsible for the instruction, safety, and discipline of the students. The classroom teacher will specify what he/she wants you to do. Volunteers should never divulge confidential information to which they may have access to in the classroom or in the school. It is a state law that the rights of students are to be respected and that personal information about them is not to be revealed. If it is found that a volunteer cannot follow the essential code of ethics for a volunteer, he or she may be asked by the principal to discontinue volunteering. Under no circumstances may anyone chaperone, volunteer or drive on a field trip, without obtaining proper finger-print clearance.


All parents/guardians who drive children for school-sponsored activities must be covered with auto liability insurance. Current volunteer driver information forms must be completed and left in the school office. The privately owned vehicle policy must provide liability coverage on the automobile driven in the amounts no less than $100,000.00 individual/$300,000.00 cumulative each loss or occurrence bodily injury, $50,000.00 property damage, $5,000.00 per person medical, and $100,000.00 uninsured motorist insurance. Parents are reminded that the number of persons in a car should not exceed the number for which the car was constructed and all children must wear a seat belt. The school must have a copy of each driver’s license and current proof of automobile insurance. Field trip drivers must strictly adhere to the itinerary of the planned trip. If drivers deviate from the itinerary, they become ineligible under the liability insurance of the school. DRIVERS MAY NOT BRING OTHER CHILDREN.

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