Quality Catholic Education

At St. Mel School, we believe in educating the whole child so each student will grow academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our school culture, faculty and staff, as well as activities and curriculum are carefully planned to realize this mission.

Our teachers and families work together as a community of learners to promote independence, growth and the value of service to others. Teachers use research-based practices to motivate and guide students to develop their full potential.

Students receive a solid foundation in literacy and mathematic, while being encouraged to develop the creative and analytical skills for lifelong learning. At St. Mel School, we promote responsibility, self-discipline and self-esteem, while recognizing and encouraging the light of Christ in each student so they build life-long relationships, strong values and a commitment to serving others.

Faith Development

Catholic faith and values are integrated into the life and culture of the community and support the spiritual, emotional, and social development of each student. Students are guided into becoming active Catholics with self-respect, respect for others, and a reverence for all of God’s creation.

There is a comprehensive religion curriculum taught in grades TK through Eight 
  • The Education in Virtue program which teaches children to live as a disciple of Christ
  • Each day begins with a shared prayer
  • The children attend Mass with their class once a week
  • Each class participates in a special school liturgy attended by all students and many members of the parent community.
  • Preparation for the reception of the sacraments is part of the curriculum in the second grade (Reconciliation and First Eucharist) and the Eight grade (Confirmation).
  • During the seasons of Advent and Lent the students attend a Reconciliation Service.
  • Students have the opportunity to participate in the celebration of Mass as lectors, choir members, and altar servers.
  • The Parish Priests are a valuable resource for the religious program.

Intellectual Development

The curriculum at St. Mel Parish School is both traditional and dynamic. Utilizing the finest current methods and materials, the staff focuses on the basics, giving each child the foundation for a lifetime of limitless learning. Our graduates are successful as they continue to pursue learning at the high school and university level.

  • Our qualified and effective staff is dedicated to teaching the standards based program.
  • New materials are adopted on a rotational basis that corresponds to the Diocesan schedule of adoptions
  • The math program progresses incrementally from TK through Eight grade. An accelerated math program is available to those students in grades Fourth and Eight who demonstrate a proclivity for math.
  • The language arts curriculum moves through phonics, reading, literature, spelling and vocabulary. The Six Traits of Writing is taught at each grade level. Grammar is taught at each grade level.
  • In the area of social studies, the students look at the structure of communities, history, geography, civics and current events.
  • The students in grades one through eight have a curriculum focusing on scientific observation, experimentation and classification. In seventh and Eight grade, there is a dedicated science teacher utilizing a new working science lab.
  • All of the classes learn technological fluency in the computer lab. They also use the lab to work on special projects in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Grades one through eight have Spanish taught to them once a week.
  • In art class, the students learn to express their ideas using a variety of artistic techniques, and they learn to critique art with an educated eye.

Physical Development

Physical Education is an integral part of the development of each child. The physical education classes stress positive interaction with peers and competition with respect for all.